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Аn interesting plot is the main factor to contribute to a movie (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people enjoy many kinds of entertainment, but movies are the most popular ones. Millions of people visit cinemas every year, looking for the cinematic masterpieces. Some of them believe that the script is the main factor in a film. Others declare that there are many other important factors.

In my point of view, other factors are more valuable than the plot for several reasons. Firstly, good acting is a necessary part in a movie. People enjoy films where play professionals, who can express and show the feelings and emotions realistically. Secondly, the quality of shooting is needed for a good movie too. It is really difficult to watch the movies, which have unrealistic special effects and bad editing.

However, people believe that the plot is the main factor.

If a plot is really gripping and fascinating people do not pay attention to secondary factors. It is difficult to leave watching it. As a result, the plot is the main factor for creating a good movie.

But I cannot agree with it because creating films with situations, events that are not possible to exist in real world is more important. Even if the plot is uninteresting people observe it out of curiosity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there can be multiple opinions about this issue, but I still believe that there are many factors that are more important for creating a good movie.


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