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Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad пример 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no denying the fact that nowadays education is important for external career development. Some people think that state education gives good professional opportunities. Others claim that person should study abroad to get the best education.

From my point of view, studying abroad is the greatest way to be educated. Firstly, this formation provides a good job because it is more prestigious. Moreover, such education allows to work in different countries. Secondly, studying abroad helps to improve language skills. People can learn new languages and culture.

However, some people complain of price of the studying abroad. They think that this education is not worth such big money because essence of education is similar even in different countries.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view because there are a lot of grants in foreign institutes.

Besides, these universities offer special programs to foreigner students. It lets to study for free. In addition, education has distinctions in different countries. For example, a person may choose some subjects independently in the USA. In Russia this impossible.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing opinions about education. To my mind, foreign education is better than state education. Studying abroad has a lot of advantages such as language skills, good professional opportunities and skills for an independent life.

Thank you for your attention!


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