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1. It is not right to be strict with little children 2. It is very popular to travel with class (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Parenting is very popular issue for most people. There are many viewpoints of how parents should rear their children. Some people say that one should be strict with kids. However, there are people who have different opinion.

As for me, severity is very important part in a parenting. Firstly, kid will become fostered, he will certainly know what is right and what is not. They will become good people. Secondly, I think, it is the only way to raise your children.

If you are too soft with them, their behavior will become uncontrolled. Children always want only to play games, walk with friends, watch cartoons and they will do all to get what they want. They will pretend tired or start to cry and soft parents will believe them.

All the same, some people think differently. They consider that severity is bad for kids. They say that rudeness can harm psychically and children will become fearful.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. to be strict does not mean to be rude. Of course, we should be mild with our kids, if they do not misbehave. We should become real friend to them but do not forget they we are parents for them too.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to be strict or mild parent. However, I think that it is right to be strict enough with little children.


There are many variants of school trips to different places. Some people think that travelling with class is a great idea. However, there are people holding an opposite opinion.

As for me, to go on school trips is very funny. Firstly, it is a leisure time with your classmates. You will be able to make new friends. Secondly, it gives you an opportunity to see different places and to know something about them. Thirdly, school trips usually are cheaper.

All the same, some people think differently. They consider that the travelling with your class is dangerous because your parents are not with you and they cannot control you. Also, they say when children are together they misbehave.

However versions it sounds, I would not agree with the opinion above. teachers are responsible for an order and safety. They will not let children misbehave and be in dangerous.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to go on school trips or not. But I think that it is a great idea for pupils.


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