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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation 2018 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our modern world is a world of computer technologies. Technology is developing at a fast pace and opening up new possibilities in many areas of life. However, there are people who saya that digital literacy is not a guarantee of success in every occupation.

From my point of view, computer literacy helps to achieve success in any profession. Firstly, computer skills increase competitiveness. In today's world digital literacy is one of the most important demands for people who want to have a high paying job. Employers appreciate computer skills. Secondly, a computer is an effective aid in lots of jobs. For example, modern medical equipment facilitates work of doctors. But only a competent doctor can use it and save patients' lives.

Nevertheless, some people think that digital skills is not a key to success in any job.

A person needs a talent but not computer literacy to succeed in profession, for instance, artists. Moreover, occupations may not be related to the use of computer technologies and people can do without computer skills.

Personally, I cannot fully agree with my opponents. Nowadays even people of creative professions should use computers to show their works, communicate with other people. And then all world will know about this talented person. In addition, more and more specialties require computer knowledge in the modern world. Even cleaners use special machines to wash the floor.

To sum up, in my view, digital literacy is an essential condition for successful professional activity (247 words)


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