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Family traditions unite the members of a family (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The fact that family traditions are not considered as important by some people as it used to be is a social problem in today's world. Nowadays there is an opinion that family traditions are dissipation of time. However, some families try to save and respect family customs to strengthen family ties.

In my opinion, family traditions help family to be united. Firstly, traditions retain connection between generations. Family members keep the memory of their ancestors following some family customs. Secondly, traditions save trust between parents and children. Team work and communication of several generations lead to emergence of common interests and hobbies.

Nevertheless, some people believe that family traditions are the waste of time. Grandparents are behind the times, they are not interested in modern technologies, so they cannot learn children something useful.

Moreover, people are very busy in the modern world are they cannot waste time on senseless talks or activities, such people spend all time on work.

Personally, I cannot agree with my opponents. Nowadays aged people are more active and try to learn new technologies. They also have a lot of life experience. Grandparents can give useful advice in many areas of life. In addition, people can organise their timetable so that they find time to talk with a family, because only family will support in difficult times.

To sum up, in my view, family traditions contribute to the establishment of good relations in the family and make the family united. (254 words)

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The fact that family traditions are not considered as important by some people as it used to be is a social problem in today's world. Nowadays there is an opinion that family traditions are dissipation of time. However, some families try to save and respect family customs to strengthen family ties.

Во вступлении присутствуют следующие темы: семейные традиции перестали быть важными и это проблема современного мира, семейные традиции - пустая трата времени и некоторые семьи пытаются уважать семейные традиции чтобы укрепить семейные узы. Однако же заявленная тема звучит как “семейные традиции объединяют членов семьи”.

Стоит отказаться от перифраза, если не получается переформулировать тему, это потеря одного балла, в то время как неудачное или неправильное переформулирование темы чаще всего приводит к 0 баллам за РКЗ, а следовательно и к 0 баллам за все эссе.

Простое вступление вроде “Some people believe that family traditions unite the members of a family. Others, however, do not think so.”позволило бы сохранить время, уменьшить количество ошибок и главное, не потерять тему. Мнение оппонентов не обязательно формулировать во вступлении.

Несмотря на путаницу во вступлении автору удалось удачно сформулировать аргументы и заключение, но контраргумент и его опровержение не соответствуют теме и не могут быть засчитаны.

Nevertheless, some people believe that family traditions are the waste of time. …

Таким образом, РКЗ оценивается в 0 баллов, соответственно и все эссе тоже оценивается в 0 баллов.

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