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A holiday is just another day off пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of holidays has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people think that a holiday is an ordinary day off. However, others have a different point of view. This problem is really worth discussing.

I see some drawbacks in this statement and I have several reasons to prove my opinion. To start with, there are a lot of differences between a holiday and a day off. Usually, a holiday is connected with a special event or date. People get together to recall and honor important people. In addition, people can meet other people on a memorable holiday. They can participate in various traditional competitions or parades so to communicate with each other. Moreover, holidays are more atmospheric than a day off.

People try to fill them with special traditions, decorations and dishes.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who thank in a different way. They claim that a holiday is an ordinary day off because people do not go to work.

Though I respect this point of veiw, I definitely cannot share it. I strongly believe it is not true because people may not go to work for another reason. For example, it can may diseases but it is not will be a holiday.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that in spite of the fact how many points of view concerning this problem may be, I still stand my ground that a holiday is not just another day off. It should not be mixed with a holiday.


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