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Printed books will be eventually replaced by electronic ones пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on the future development of forms of books. Some people think one day we will use only electronic ones. Others, on the contrary, claim that the demand for printed books will always exist. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, printed books will not ever go out of use. First of all, the experience of interacting with a real text, turning over pages, smelling the paper can't be replaced with reading from an electronic screen. Secondly, every book, especially an old one, has its unique design, unrepeatable story of hand-in-hand transfer. What is more, collecting different books in own libraries is one of the most popular hobbies and activities nowadays.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They claim there will be no need in printed books in the future.

It becomes possible to get access to all texts for free or for a small price thanks to the Internet and modern technologies. Moreover, having a small gadget with installed books you need is much comfortable and simple for any person.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. There are rare books, such as ancient ones, with complex language or type writing or books with the unique autograph, that cannot be uploaded in the Internet. In addition, computers, laptops, tablets, phones with electronic book also requires a special care. They can be unplugged, uncharged or just broken, so a person will not get an access to his books.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people need to learn to use both types of books and get as much benefit from them as possible.


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