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Genetically-modified products should be prohibited (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on the production and sale of genetically- modified food. Some people think it should be prohibited. Others, on the contrary, claim that legislation should not interfere in this matter. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, I would prefer that this type of food was banned. First of all, it is harmful for our health. Unnatural components of this food may affect immune system and cause diseases. Moreover, the antibiotics and hormones given to cows, pigs, chickens and other farm animals can stay in our body. It may result in allergic reactions, hormonal and genetic changes. What is more, genetically-modified products look better and people prefer to buy them instead of natural food. It lets corporations earn money for producing not healthy, but chemical beautiful food.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion.

They believe that genetically-modified products should not be banned because of its advantages. Firstly, it is thought that this type of products helps to solve the hunger problem. GM food can be delivered to poor countries at a low cost. Also they grow faster and keep fresh longer.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. I think developing the farming technologies and systems is a better and more effective way to produce food. And our health is a more valuable thing than saving money buying cheap unnatural products.

In conclusion, I would like to say that GM food should be prohibited or at least limited. These products are low in vitamins and minerals, so our body cannot develop in the right way.


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