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The production and sale of genetically-modified food should be banned (or should it not?) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The topic of genetically modified food is quite a controversial one. While some people think that its production and sale should be prohibited, the others appreciate it and think that it should be more widespread.

If you ask me, I would reply that production of the food that is modified genetically is an affordable source of food resources. I think so because, firstly, genetic modifying was at first used on plants and trees to make them immune to different deceases. Secondly, it boosts their evolution and makes them more unpretentious with nutrients and heat conditions. Finally, the reactive evolution provides more productive harvest at lower efforts.

However, the other opinion also has a place to be. To start with, supporters of this point of view suppose that genetic modifying of food spoils it because it adds genes from different plants and even animals in there; they think that if, for a change, something was modified with a scorpion genes, people who would eat it might turn into big humanoid scorpions or even worse.

The final reason is concluded in fact that illiterate people often call everything genetically modified, even if it is not, which creates an aura of discredit in relation to its real representatives.

Regardless of all of that, I still believe that products that have been genetically modified are not more harmful than their average hand-grown counterparts.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that genetically modifying does harm neither to the food itself, nor to its consumers, and all the talks about its harm are usually nothing more than foolish lies.


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