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It is better to travel alone. Travelling alone (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of travelling alone has always aroused strong debates. Some people believe that travelling by yourself is more enjoyable than going on trip with someone else, while others claim that it is better to travel with friends or family.

In my opinion, travelling alone is not a good idea. Firstly, it can be risky. For instance, a person might get lost in a new city and no one will be there to help. Secondly, if people decide to go on trip with friends or family, they will always have someone to share emotions from visiting different places.

Nevertheless, there are those who suppose that travelling alone can make one happier.

They claim that a person can visit places he or she chooses and does not have to worry about desires of other people. Moreover, no one will distract a person who is travelling alone. It gives one an opportunity to enjoy architecture of a new place.

However, I cannot share the opinion above. I strongly believe that travelling with someone else is a great idea. It is easy to compromise and visit places you both offer. A person might enjoy trying something new. In addition, one can get lonely without friends or family, so he or she will need someone to discuss the architecture with.

Considering different views on this issue, I am convinced that travelling with friends or family members is a great idea as it gives one an opportunity to share emotions. Besides, a person will not get lonely. (примерно 250 слов)


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