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Education is the most important possession пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no single opinion if studying in high school or university should be the integral part of every person’s life. Some people claim that higher education provides success in life while others claim that a person can be successful without any diplomas.

As for me, it depends on person’s wishes and preferences whether to attend university or not, but in most cases higher education is very profitable. Firstly, with a diploma person has a prevailing chance to get a high salary. Secondly, in university one can meet new acquaintances with the same interests and these people can become very useful in every kind of work related to this specialty.

However, a great number of people think quite differently. Their main argument in the support of their firm belief in unencessity of higher education is that nowadays Internet provides a great amount of online courses which are easier to attend in comparison with going to the university.

They also proclaim that there are a lot of professions which do not concern intellectual requirements and a person does not need higher education to be good at them.

Still I cannot share this position because if a person’s aim is to become a highly estimated specialist, he or she must self-educate irrespective of profession. What about courses, they do not give as much useful information as university does. Moreover, attending university makes a person considerably more disciplined.

All in all, only a person oneself can decide if he or she needs to enter a university. Despite having an opportunity to enter an online course of choose non-intellectual job, university can offer higher salaries, broader acquaintances and disciplining.


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