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Whether you should be proud of the time you live in is the problem that V. Tendryakov discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Whether you should be proud of the time you live in is the problem that V. Tendryakov discusses.

Reflecting on this question, the author quotes VG Belinsky, who once said that he envies his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who will live in the forties of the next century. A great critic was mistaken. To envy the descendants of the pore the most brutal of wars in the history of mankind was nothing, but be proud! .. V. Tendryakov believes that in order to somehow understand the present and the future, one should look to the past, to grasp in it those moments that people were proud of.

According to the author, not a single time, if you look closely, is not happier than ours, but in every era there is something to be proud of.

I share the point of view of V.

Tendryakov. Time, like the motherland, do not choose. There are no ideal epochs, and one must love and cherish the time in which we are destined to be born and live.

I remember the film, shot by Andrei Malyukov, "We are from the future", in which my contemporaries fantastically get into the past, just in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. Quite the other boys, they knew what war was, saw how people do things that the country can be proud of. Returning in due time, the guys radically changed their attitude towards the present, revised their views.

Much is said about our time. Someone praises him, but someone scolds him. But this is our time! Our life! And we have something to be proud of: the victory of the Russian national ice hockey team at the World Championships, and the wonderful performance of Buranovski grandmothers at the Interview, and the heroic deed of Sergey Solchnikov ...

Thus, I can conclude that the time in which you live, should be proud.I remember the film, shot by Andrei Malyukov, "We are from the future", in which my contemporaries fantastically get into the past, just in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. Quite the other boys, they knew what war was, saw how people do things that the country can be proud of. Returning in due time, the guys radically changed their attitude towards the present, revised their views.


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