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What is more important in life: family or work - this is the problem that D. Belichenko discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What is more important in life: family or work - this is the problem that D. Belichenko discusses.

In the "Letter to a friend" the author says that family and work are two different worlds. D. Belichenko sincerely admits that the family is more important for him, although the author came to this conclusion rather late. As a young man, he always considered the main job, because it is "subsistence, payment for an apartment" and, most importantly, a sense of stability. But with age, his point of view on this issue has changed, since to love a wife, to bring up children, in his opinion, is such happiness!

The family is what really matters to a person, D.

Belichenko believes. We can not disagree with the author. What could be better than a family? After all, only there you accept the way you are, only there you can understand, only there you feel really loved.

I remember the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel Pierre Bezukhov. Here is an exemplary family man! He had affairs, hobbies, he often left his home, but with what joy he returned there! Wife, children - that's what was the pivot of his whole life.

Unfortunately, many of my contemporaries, young and successful people think differently. After getting acquainted on the Internet with the results of the social survey "Work or Family", I was amazed that more than half of respondents consider work and career more important than family. How wrong they are!

Thus, I can conclude that each person must first of all learn how to correctly prioritize, remembering that nothing is more important than a family.

In the "Letter to a friend" the author says that family and work are two different worlds. D. Belichenko sincerely admits that the family is more important for him, although the author came to this conclusion rather late. As a young man, he always considered the main job, because it is "subsistence, payment for an apartment" and, most importantly, a sense of stability. But with age, his point of view on this issue has changed, since to love a wife, to bring up children, in his opinion, is such happiness!


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