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What actions we consider heroic are the moral question over which the author reasons. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What actions we consider heroic are the moral question over which the author reasons.

Volkogonov DA, reflecting on the problem, tells us about the deed of young paratroopers-Americans who jumped out of the plane one by one, the first jumped without a parachute, and the second jumped out with two and, after catching up with his partner, passed the parachute to him. The author, considering this act of the guys recklessly courageous, does not reckon with the heroes of those guys.

According to Volkogonov DA, the hero is not a supernatural phenomenon, but an ordinary person who is exceptional only in one: it is capable of committing at the right moment such an act that is vitally necessary for people.

The act of fellow Americans does not apply to such.

I share the author's point of view. Often in my life I see how guys risk bragging on motorcycles or demonstrating their skills on the crossbar, risking to break their necks.

L.N. Tolstoy, portraying in his novel "War and Peace" of such heroes as B. Drubetskaya, A. Berg, relates them, the participants in the battle, to false heroes. Adolf Berg during the battle did not kill anyone, did not lead with a banner in the hands of soldiers on the offensive. But he was wounded, and the next day he showed everyone his bandaged hand. Here you have all the "heroism" ...

Recently in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" I read an article about the heroic deed of the battalion commander, Major Sergey Solnechnikov. During the exercises at the test site in the trench, where Sergei was with his soldiers, a military grenade dropped without a check. Without thinking twice, the battalion commander covered her with his body, thereby saving lives of ten ordinary soldiers at the cost of his own life. This, in my opinion, is a real hero!Recently in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" I read an article about the heroic deed of the battalion commander, Major Sergey Solnechnikov. During the exercises at the test site in the trench, where Sergei was with his soldiers, a military grenade dropped without a check. Without thinking twice, the battalion commander covered her with his body, thereby saving lives of ten ordinary soldiers at the cost of his own life. This, in my opinion, is a real hero!


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