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Individuality of a person, his uniqueness and unlikeness to other people - this is the problem over which the author reasons. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Individuality of a person, his uniqueness and unlikeness to other people - this is the problem over which the author reasons.

This philosopher and philosopher, writers and educators paid attention to this psychological issue. The brightest book that helps a person to know his own "I" is the work of Dale Carnegie "How to win friends." It is very popular today, as many people want to understand themselves.

Yu. Lotman believes that each person is individual, "he is the only one, and the other is not the same." According to the author, my contemporary does not understand this, his eyes and ears are closed: he hears and sees only himself.

I share the author's point of view.

Indeed, the characters of Alexander Pushkin, Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin, and my favorite characters of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, are brightly individual.

They can not be confused with anyone!

But I do not agree with Yuri Lotman's point of view that we, young people, "have eyes and ears closed." Not true! We are "not deaf" and "not blind"! I, for example, try to understand myself, I read special literature. My favorite book is the work of psychologist Nikolai Kozlov "How to treat yourself and people, or practical psychology for every day." I think that the name of the work speaks for itself ...

Thus, I can conclude that each person is unique in itself. The memorable words of VA Zhukovsky come to mind:

At the thought of great that I am a man,

I always rise in the soul.Individuality of a person, his uniqueness and unlikeness to other people - this is the problem over which the author reasons.

This philosopher and philosopher, writers and educators paid attention to this psychological issue. The brightest book that helps a person to know his own "I" is the work of Dale Carnegie "How to win friends." It is very popular today, as many people want to understand themselves.

Yu. Lotman believes that each person is individual, "he is the only one, and the other is not the same." According to the author, my contemporary does not understand this, his eyes and ears are closed: he hears and sees only himself.

I share the author's point of view.

Indeed, the characters of Alexander Pushkin, Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin, and my favorite characters of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, are brightly individual. They can not be confused with anyone!

But I do not agree with Yuri Lotman's point of view that we, young people, "have eyes and ears closed." Not true! We are "not deaf" and "not blind"! I, for example, try to understand myself, I read special literature. My favorite book is the work of psychologist Nikolai Kozlov "How to treat yourself and people, or practical psychology for every day." I think that the name of the work speaks for itself ...

Thus, I can conclude that each person is unique in itself. The memorable words of VA Zhukovsky come to mind:

At the thought of great that I am a man,

I always rise in the soul ...


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