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Science is the first thing to be financed nowadays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays science is regarded by majority of people as a crucial thing that may make our life better and foster development. As a consequence, such people assume that this sphere of human activity should be primarily well financed, while others claim that there are more essential things which demand economic maintenance.

To my mind, it is clearly that exactly science is the most vital thing currently, which should be financed better than other industries. Firstly, I think so on the grounds of the fact that nowadays all our sufficient achievements in physics, medicine and other fields have been reached by virtue of strenuous work of millions of scientists. Secondly, developed science invariably propels improvement of other indicators, such as continuity and quality of human life or environmental conditions.

However, there are some people who state that there is no point to fund science until we can handle with such actual problems like famine, poverty or global warming.

It seems to them that abovementioned problems should be solved by any means, including by constant funding.

To a certain extent, they are right. Nevertheless, I still stand my ground because it is obviously that only science is able to solve our problems, for instance, by introduction of new agricultural methods of planting or elaborating ecological-friendly engines.

To sum up, I strongly believe that problems which encounter human race can be overcome only with help of science, therefore it should be financed firstly in the modern world.


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