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Science is the first thing to be financed in the world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in the era of modern technologies and many discoveries are made every day, in different spheres, for example: physics, maths, chemistry and biology. Some people think that science should be donated with money, as it is our future life. Others think that there is no use in spending money on science.

In my opinion, science is a very important part of human life. First of all, if there is enough money invested in science, scientists can develop some new solutions for many problems, for instance, Ilon Mask has already suggested an idea of burning rubbish at the Sun.

Now he is going to test it. In addition, humanity can cognise the universal. Some scientists said that there must be other civilisations apart from ours. It can lead to space travelling and even to migration to other planets.

However, there are some people who are against of financing science. They claim the idea that science has already produced nuclear weapons which has made a lot of harm.

Many Japanese people were exposed to nuclear bombing in 1945 and it caused a lot of fatal diseases.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Due to nuclear weapons national leaders manage to keep peace all over the world. Scientists can also make up new medicaments against cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.

To sum up, although some scientific researches might seem dangerous, I strongly believe that science can bring lots of positive changes to our planet. All studies must be carried out under strict control. People should use its achievements in a wise way.


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