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Machines will soon substitute people in all jobs (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that robotic influence becomes stronger. Some people claim that machines will do all people’s work, while others argue that there are some jobs, which robots cannot do. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

In my opinion, robots will not be able to replace people in all jobs. To start with, robots do not have feelings. They cannot do such work as a psychologist and only people can help others with their mental problems. Moreover, machines do not have creative thinking, imagination. They cannot invent, create something new. In addition, robots are not capable of creating works of art.

However, some people think that machines will substitute people in all jobs.

To begin with, robots do not get tired and work without break for sleep and food. Besides, robots do the kind of work that people cannot do such as moon rover.

I cannot agree with this opinion because all machines can break down at any moment, which will ultimately lead to disasters and irreversible destruction of both nature and human health. Moreover, robots cannot work without people, they must be controlled by human.

To sum up, although the problem raised in the essay seems controversial, I would like to point out again that under no conditions will a robot replace a human. Technologies will never reach the level of the human mind.


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