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1. School leavers should take a gap year before entering university 2. Household tasks are essential for teens (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about their education. Some people claim that it is necessary for students to take a break after finishing school, while others do not believe it. This essay would express my point of view on this issue.

I am of the opinion that having a year off is a quite valuable experience for graduates. To begin with, during the gap year students can learn lots of things about life and as a result get to know oneself better.

For instance, they may spend more time pursuing hobbies and interests that they are often neglected because of studying. Moreover, taking a gap year helps to look impressive on a resume. Statistic shows that travelling, volunteering or working students have a higher chance of employment because of the skills they got within this year.

However, some people argue that gap year is an unnecessary waste of time. They are afraid of being unfocused all year and therefore have no ability of returning to college. This students believe that the sooner you start university, the faster you will get a good job.

Nevertheless, I still think that gap year gives students an valuable life experience and prepare them for adult life in a way that university cannot. Besides, many colleges report that students who took year off are more involved on campus and have higher grades.

To conclude, taking a gap year is very useful for young people after finishing school.


All children should be required to help with household tasks. This problem has always caused to heated discussions. Everyone has an own view of this topic.

I am convinced that teens should help out at home. To begin with, helping out at home teach children how to cooperate with other people. Different tasks should be divided among several people. Therefore, things will be done better and faster. Also, it can help to improve your relations with family members. Secondly, helping with housework teaches teenagers valuable skills. They become more responsible and organised. These personality traits can be useful for the future life and job of the child.

However, not all people share my point of view. They say that it is unfair to make teenagers do chores because they have a lot of homework to do. Nowadays it is really hard to get a good mark at school.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned idea. I believe that doing chores will not put extra pressure on teens. Many parents lead busy lives and have no time yo do everything. Duty of teens is help their families. Besides, if children plan their time effectively they will not stress over doing chores.

To conclude, it is nor very hard to help out parents at home. Nevertheless, everyone decides what to become - a lazy person or hard-working one.


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