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Digital literacy is the key to success in different occupations (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Gadgets have become an essential part of our life. Some people are convinced that all modern areas require knowledge in using computers and other devices, while others claim that it is not as necessary as it seems to be.

In my opinion, nowadays there are no people left who would not be able to use gadgets. To start with, many industries are already mechanised, for example, employees in factories need to have digital skills in order to use machines properly. Moreover, even office clarks need computer skills to fulfil their assignments as their work involve sending and replying emails, using word processors like Excel and also working with different file hosting services and knowing its softwares.

However, there are some people with the opposite opinion.

They think that the key to success lies in people’s own skills and thrill of the job. This means that people should have their unique personal traits, like creativity or strong desire to inventing. That will be helpful in achieving a good position at work.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Electronic management skills are necessary in modern world. People need them everywhere, even to solve simple tasks: making purchases online, pay online bills or just install some apps on their gadgets.

To sum up, although some people use devices for leisure, I strongly believe that it is highly important for anyone who wants to make a successful career have some knowledge. People should learn the best use of it.


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