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Some people think that children learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to co-operate so that they could become more useful adults (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Children are often the one meaning of life for many people so that the question of proper upbringings is fairly essential. The problem, which has been standing in front of lots of parents over a long period of life, says about the relationships between the child and others. Personally, I consider that it is better to make your child learn to work in a team than to conflict with others.

In many families it is believed that nothing is so significant in raising children how teaching them to work and find a common language with people. Nowadays, one of the leading skills presents communicative and negotiation skills, which can be taught in the childhood, for example, during playing on the playground. What is more, our life itself is based on working in a group, maybe, because of our origin. We all are needed in friends, in relationships with the opposite sex; in decent and solid relations with colleagues at work and manager in the future.

In addition, children are placed in the demo version of adult life already in school, where they understand just how essential cooperation skills are.

However, the opinion that it is better to develop a competition skill in children also holds. In modern world human beings have become more violent, cruel and insensitive so many parents give the preference to raising the child’s ability to compete. For instance, when the child will be interviewing for a job in the distant future, this is where he will need this ability.

To sum up, both these abilities – cooperation and competition skills – are useful in future and daily life so that it is better when they are both taught. At the same time, I believe that parents should develop the communicative skill as it is will be needed in more life situations.


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