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Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Soap operas have always been popular among people. Some say, that this type of TV show is really enjoyable and realistic. The others say that it is not interesting at all. Let us consider who is right.

In my opinion, watching soaps is really boring. Firstly, it could be so naive and stupid that there is a strong desire to switch off TV immediately. Secondly, some individuals prefer different types of shows. They want to escape from everyday life for a while. Why they should watch on something, what they can see every day. There is a need in action or mystery.

However, a lot of people are fond of soap operas. They think that it is stupid to watch something what is unreal.

In them It is possible to find answers on their questions, what can be real useful in the daily life.

Nevertheless, I can not agree with these people. I am absolutely sure that different types of shows can help to find solution for any problem regardless its genre. Besides, for some individuals the problem is the routine of their lives, and soaps are useless in that case.

All and all, I would like to say that so many people, so many opinions. Personally I have no idea how people can watch such programs without falling asleep. I am sure that sometimes it is important to forget about daily problems and enjoy something unreal.


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