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Small actions can make the world a better place (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that people can change the world around them. There are people who think that the world can become cleaner, kinder and more beautiful with little human efforts, while others claim that everything in the world should happen without human intervention. I would like to express my opinion on this issue.

From my point of view, small actions can improve the world. Firstly, we know that our planet is becoming increasingly polluted, especially forests and rivers. To fix it, man needs to pick up trash after wildlife recreation. It is a very simple act, but it will make the world a better place. Secondly, a person should help not only nature but also other people.

For example, there are a lot of hospitals for disabled and these people need support and care more than anyone. I believe that each person can spend two hours or an hour of his free time and come to talk with patients or bring them products.

However, there are people who think that small actions can harm the world. Man cuts down forests and builds houses to reduce the number of homeless people, but he forgets that he takes away the animal habitats. So, people do small actions to change their life, but they forget about nature and animals.

Personally, I disagree with the above-mentioned opinion. People do not forget about animals and their habitats. Special reserves are created for them where they are cared for. So, a person does not harm them and makes this world a better place for himself and other living creatures.

To sum up, although the problem raised on the issue seems controversial , I would like to point out again that little human efforts should not harm nature. A person can make the world more comfortable, cleaner and nobler when he stops harming the environment.


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