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Education is impossible without face-to-face communication пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The idea of online education is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Some people think that it is rather advantageous. Others consider that nothing can replace face-to-face communication while studying.

In my opinion, educating online is not only possible, but also quite convenient nowadays. Firstly, educating at home via the Internet saves a lot of time. Children do not have to waste it on the road to school, packing a backpack with a lot of heavy books and getting dressed in a uniform. Secondly, courseware can be accessible for students at any time. They can review lectures, discussions, explanations, and comments.

However, other people believe that education at school with other people is irreplaceable. The quality of education may become worse due to the fact that children can use the Internet to deal with tests and other tasks, and, as a consequence, they will not learn themselves.

Moreover, visual contact and interaction are rather important for a teacher to see how the material given is perceived by the students.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as educating at school does not prevent children from cheating on tests. Their phones are always with them and they can use the gadgets to search for something in the Internet. As for the visual contact, a great number of programs that provide video chat have appeared recently.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of online education. I strongly believe that this form of education is the most convenient nowadays.


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