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Some people think that online chatting cannot substitute for face-to-face communication (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays virtual communication become very popular. Some people believe that online communication cannot replace lively interaction whereas other think it is possible.

In my opinion, nothing can substitute for face-to-face communication. Most believe that live dialogue is the best way to communicate. To begin with, when we chat online, we cannot see emotions of our interlocutor. So, it would be difficult to understand feelings of your friend exactly. Secondly, if you want your friend to support you, it will be hard to do by words. It is better when someone can hug you and it is possible in lively communication.

However, there exist another point of view on this topic. In their opinion, virtual relations can replace real communication.

Firstly, if you have a friend far away from you, online chatting is the only way to keep in touch with you friend. So, you can be real friends in unreal world which is called Internet.Also today people can write an SMS instead of making an arrangement if they need to discuss something as it is save time.

That may be true but it is difficult to keep in touch with your friend by chatting for a long time. People need to see each other because they will be bored by constant SMS. As for the second statement, sometimes people can make some errors in judgment and nuances should be discussed in real life.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this topic, i believe that people should communicate face-to-face as it is better for strong relationships.


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