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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference пример 2 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference.

Recently there has been a heated debate whether the human influence on the environment cannot change it much because nature is actually powerful. This issue is rather controversial and relevant nowadays.

Personally, I think that it is not true. Nature is more fragile than we think. Firstly, the most awful thing is the deforestation. We cut down the trees depriving our life of oxygen. Nature itself is not able to replenish the forest reserves, so all the creatures can die in some time. Secondly, people constantly pollute the water. Oceans and seas are spoiled by factories. Billions of fish die and animals suffer from lack of water.

Consequently, the ecological chain will be broken, that will be harmful for people too.

However, there is a contradictory view. Some people are sure that our environment is strong enough to handle with human interference. They claim that natural resources are endless, that is way people can use them as a lot as they need. The Earth will serve us forever.

Anyway, I do not this opinion. It is my strong conviction that people should understand that everything has limits, natural resources are not the exception. Our planet is already struggling from lack of them nowadays. We should stop and give a break to the bowels of the Earth.

To conclude, I can say that our nature is very fragile. It is necessary to protect it, not to ruin. It is not powerful as we used to think.

слов - 245


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