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Work in pairs. You are standing near the castle. Ask and tell the way to different places you can see in the picture (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Рабочая тетрадь; Unit 5; упр. 10; стр. 92.

Вариант ответа №1

– Excuse me, where is the city zoo?

– Can you see this long street?

– Yes, I can.

– Good. The zoo is at the very end of this street. Go straight ahead, and after three blocks you will see the zoo on the right.

– Thank you.

– You are welcome.

Вариант ответа №2

– Excuse me, how do I get to the theatre?

– Go along this long street for one block, then take the left turn, go for two more blocks, and you will see the theatre on your right.

– Thanks a lot.

– Not at all.

Вариант ответа №3

– Excuse me, do you know where the university is?

– It is not far from here.

Do you see that circus? Walk past it and turn right at the nearest intersection. After one block, turn left and then you will see the theatre on your right in a few minutes.

– That was very useful. Thank you.

– My pleasure.

Вариант ответа №4

– I need to get to the bank. Could you help me, please?

– Sure. Look in this direction. Do you see that tall building with the red roof?

– Yes, I do.

– That is the bank.

– Oh, it is so close. Thank you very much.

– You are welcome.

Вариант ответа №5

– Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema, please? My film starts in fifteen minutes, and I am afraid I will be late.

– Do not worry, it is not very far from here. Can you see that big building that looks like a tall tower? That is our city bank. When you reach it, walk along that street for a few minutes, and the cinema will be on your right.

– It is clear now. Thanks a lot.

– My pleasure.

Вариант ответа №6

– Excuse me, I would like to take a walk in a park. Could you please let me know where the nearest park is?

– You will find the park opposite the zoo. You know where the zoo is, don't you?

– No, I don't. I am from another town.

– I see. Well, the park is at the very end of this central street. You should now go straight ahead, cross the square and in a few minutes you will see the park on the left side of the street.

– Thank you very much for your help.

– Not at all.


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