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Teenagers put a lot of emphasis on following fashion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

13 из 14
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Some people are convinced that it is important for adolescents to follow fashion, while others disagree with them.

To my mind, the majority of teenagers consider that there are more important things than trendy clothes. To start with, getting a proper knowledge is really preferable for modern teenagers as it allows them to enter a prestigious university and become specialists. Moreover, lots of teenagers want to travel and pursue an unusual hobby instead of following fashion as it broadens their horizon and makes them interesting personalities. Last but not least, teenagers value comfort rather than fashion in clothes as the idea of free style clothing is really popular with modern teenagers.

However, there are those who have the other point of view. They are sure following fashion trends is natural for teenagers. Firstly, clothing makes a personal statement about the individuality of teenagers as clothes express personalities and preferences.

Secondly, fashion is important to teens’ self-esteem as the more attractive they look, the more confident they will feel in the society.

Nevertheless, I disagree with such a point of view. I believe teenagers do not care about fashion. To begin with, trendy clothes do not allow adolescents to assert their personalities and speak up for their interests as they have to copy the style in clothes like everyone. Furthermore, nowadays knowledge and uniqueness value a lot in the society. So, those teenagers who have them will be respected both with their peers and adults, which give confidence and raise their self-esteem.

To conclude, I believe teenagers understand that fashionable clothes and accessories do not develop a sense of identity. So, they pay attention to other valuable things.


Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание.

Вступление не распространено.

Last but not least(больше подходит для разговорного стиля)

К2 - организация.

К3 - лексика.

natural for teenagers(Natural?)

К4 - грамматика.

other point(other points / another point)

such a point (здесь не нужен артикль)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. грубых ошибок нет.

К1 - 2

К2 - 3

К3 - 3

К4 - 3

К5 - 2

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