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Write about the weather in your home town. Answer the questions (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Рабочая тетрадь; Unit 1; упр. 26; стр. 20.

1) The weather in autumn is usually not very pleasant in my town: it is wet, cold and sometimes even foggy because I live on the seashore. In winter it is frosty and snowy. In spring the weather becomes warm and nice. In summer we have the best weather of the year: it is very warm and sunny.

2) As we live on the seashore, there are a lot of windy days in every season. It is sometimes foggy in summer and autumn. We also have a lot of cloudy days in spring and autumn.

3) I do not know the exact number of sunny days but I think that we have about two hundred days a year when the bright sun shines in the blue sky.

4) It is usually not very cold in winter, but there are always some really frosty days and nights when the temperature drops below thirty degrees.

In summer it is warm with a few very hot days when everybody swims even in our cold northern sea.

5) It depends on the weather in that year. If it is very warm in late spring or early autumn, I can swim in the river or in the sea. But usually people only swim in summer in my home town.

6) I like the place where I live and I like its weather. It is usually mild and pleasant.

7) On a rainy day I usually stay at home and spend time on the Internet, read school books or watch comedies on TV. If it is rainy but calm, I can go for a short walk with an umbrella.

On a cold day I put on my warm clothes and go for a walk. On cold days there are usually very few people in the street and I like to be alone from time to time.

On a warm day I take my camera and go to the seashore. I walk along the beach, listen to seagulls, take beautiful pictures and enjoy the weather.

On a hot day I can never stay home. I always go out. Sometimes I go to the sea and swim in it. Sometimes I go to the country with my parents and lie in the sun under the trees of our big garden. I also like to go to the forest on such days because it is very cool, comfortable and beautiful there.


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