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Studying online is more interesting than studying at school example 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a heated debate whether online education has more advantages than the studying at school. This issue is rather controversial and relevant nowadays.

Personally, I think that studying online is more efficient and enjoyable than at school. Firstly, it assumes individual plans for everyone. Each child will learn his own programme aimed at better perception of the material. Every student will be able to work at his own pace. Secondly, it allows students to study practically everywhere. You can study wherever you want: on a comfortable sofa at home, in your favourite cafe or on a bench in the park. Your studying process becomes much more interesting when you like it.

However, there is a contradictory view. Some people are sure, that studying online is boring.

They claim that school provides live(ly) communication, which is necessary for youngsters. You can discuss everything live and share your opinion only at school.

Anyway, I do not share this opinion. It is my strong conviction that teenagers prefer communicate with their friends and discuss issues via social net. Cameras and microphones can be used by each of them. Moreover, not everyone can sometimes come to school, but on the Internet joint meetings are guaranteed.

To conclude, I can say that online studying is the wonderful phenomenon nowadays. Everyone can use it and it is actually more enjoyable than school lessons.


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