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People have become too dependent on technology example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many people consider that people pay a lot of attention to social networks, video games and other modern

technologies, but others claim that this is not true. Who is right?

In my opinion, the most people depend on new technology in our modern world. For example, some people pay a lot of time to social networks like Instagram to get more likes. Other people spend huge amount of time on communication with friends in social networks that in real life. Also, there are many people who spend whole days playing virtual games.

On the other hand, other people claim that people use new technology with a benefit. First of all, they consider that modern technologies like Skype, Instagram, Facebook help people communicate fast and easily. Secondly, they claim that modern gadgets are not useful for communication, but they are also useful for study. So, students can study online without leaving their homes.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with these arguments because they are not convincing for me.

We must state the fact that the most people have become so dependent on technology that they cannot imagine their life without them.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that both opinions have their clear pros and cons. I am for the fact that there are many people who a dependent to technology, but I believe that this situation will improve.


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