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People have become overly dependent on technology (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technologies are used widely. Some people think that we cannot exist without them anymore. However, others believe that life is imaginable without devices.

In my opinion, modern people are addicted to gadgets. Firstly, technologies are engaged in all spheres of life. For example, studying, communication and rest are performed with the use of online dictionaries, social networks and mobile games. Secondly, devices have penetrated even in people's emotions. If a person experiences a special moment, such as, seeing an exciting sport game or listening to one's favorite song at a concert, he or she usually holds up a smartphone and records the event to post it to social media later. If you look at special moments through a screen, you do not really enjoy them.

People just lose their emotions while concentrating on gadgets and this practice is common.

Nevertheless, some people think that we can do without technologies. Supporters of this view provide in evidence the fact that devices are used only for simplification of life. For instance, it is easier to do money transfers with the help of gadgets.

However, I do not agree with this opinion because people have used advantages of technologies so extensively that they cannot already do even simple actions without devices. For example, a very few people are able to use a physical map nowadays. It is even dangerous because some lost skills are vitally important in emergencies.

To sum up, I am sure that people have become too dependent on technology. Actually, gadgets have harmfully seeped into our lifes and minds.


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