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The future of my city (Школьные сочинения)

My name is ... and I live in the city of ..... What would I like to see in the future in my hometown?

Firstly, I would like the network of bike paths finally enveloped the whole city. Now they are present in some areas, but so far they are catastrophically small. And without them, driving around the city is very inconvenient - when you go along the road, the drivers honk, along the sidewalk, pedestrians are outraged

Secondly, I imagine the future of my city with modern sports and playgrounds in every yard. Sport is very important for any person, and even more so for a teenager. And young children need an equipped space where they can safely spend time outdoors.

Thirdly, I would like to solve the problem with the walking area. After all, it so happened that during the construction of the city, the entire infrastructure was built around the central road, which is why people have to walk along this road, breathe exhaust fumes and shout to each other to have a conversation.

It would be great if in the center of the city would be built large parks, recreation areas, and walking areas so that you can enjoy the beauty of nature and at the same time be in the center of the city.

Fourthly, I would like the subway to appear in my city. Our city continues to grow and grow, both in terms of area and population, so it’s more difficult to travel by bus or minibus, so it would be great if the city metro appeared as a fast and rather a colorful form of transport that unloaded would traffic on the roads.

This is how I imagine my favorite city. And I hope that all these changes will take place shortly and I will have time to put my efforts into it, to contribute to the development and prosperity of our city.


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