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Distance learning is the best form of education. Эссе ЕГЭ 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technological progress gives a lot of opportunities to make our life easier so many people are convinced that the best way to get education is distance learning while others are sure that traditional form of studying is far better.

In my opinion, traditional way of getting education is actually more productive than the other one. Firstly, every student requires an individual approach which computers are unable to provide. Secondly, studying at school with classmates learns children how to work in a group what is impossible to do at home. Finally, there are much more chances to cheat during distance learning than during the traditional one.

However, there is another point of view and some people believe that distance learning is the best form of education.

In their view, the main advantage of it is convenience. Children can receive knowledge not leaving their homes. Moreover, learning online students have more free time.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it. To begin with, learning at home is not convenient for everyone because there are a lot of children who are disciplined not well and it is difficult for them to bring themselves to study without any teachers nearby. Besides, it is a misconception that receiving education online students have more free time because teachers during distance learning ask much more homework than usually.

To conclude, I would like to say that notwithstanding all advantages of distance learning the traditional way of studying is better.


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