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2. Distance learning is the best form of education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that there are many ways of learning.  Some people claim that e-learning is the greatest way to get an education, while others argue that distance learning is not as effective as a traditional form of education. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, e-learning is the best form of education. To start with, students who have chosen this form of education can set special schedule for themselves so they have more time for their hobbies and job than the other students. Moreover, distance learning gives an opportunity to travel a lot because students can learn everywhere.

However, some people think that e-learning is not suitable for many people because it requires self-discipline so not everyone can do it.

In addition, students can have a lack of communication as they do not meet with their classmates and teachers.

I cannot agree with this opinion because people who do not have self-discipline and who have a lack of communication should not choose e-learning. This form of education is better for people who have many activities besides their school and who are ready to control themselves. As for communication, distance learning gives students more time to meet with their friends and to make new acquaintances outside a school.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I believe that distance learning will remain the best form of education and people will make informed decisions to learn this way.


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