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It is better to live in the countryside than in a city (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is an opinion that life beyond the town is the best. Some people say that country life is healthier and safety while the others say that city life is more comfortable and convenient. This topic has always been relevant, let us see who is right.

I am inclined to believe that living in the town always will be better than in countryside. Firstly, there are a lot of places to go in a city. People can go to the cinema or restaurant at any time and it is really convenient. Secondly, in a town anyone can get help in absolutely any area. It can be medical sphere or legal, any citizen can get all kinds of help if they need it and there is no needed to go far.

However, some other people do not agree with me and say that life in a city is dangerous.

These people are scared of felons, and they sure, that there is not risk of crime out of the town. Also, these people certain that life in a city not as active as in countryside. They think that all people, who lives in a city, not very active and not as healthy as villagers because of too comfortable living conditionals in the city.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with opposing position. A lot of murders committed in countryside too. Villagers are not live as safety as citizen. And in a town people can find a lot of different fitness clubs to maintain their health.

In conclusion I must say that city life is more comfortable than countryside. So, I would prefer to live in a town to countryside.


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