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Natural sciences nowadays are more important than humanities (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are arguments between people from different faculties whether natural sciences are superior to humanities or vice versa. There is still no agreement between these two sides.

To my mind, the truth is that natural and humanitarian sciences are pretty much equal to each other. To begin with, they intertwine in a variety of industries: for example, working as a designer requires not only great imagination of a person, but also good knowledge of mathematics. Moreover, if we take such humanity as history and for a change, we can discover that in the past centuries people used to invent amazing things. In the end, all of the sciences serve one and only purpose: they all help youngsters with understanding human nature, developing their knowledge and also creativity.

However, there are people who do not see the global meaning of these sciences. Firstly, there are ones who see natural sciences superior to humanitarian, these people being engineers, medics and so on, who invent things of significant importance for mankind. Finally, there are humanitarians who also think their subjects are better because they allegedly develop people's horizons and spirituality.

But still, at any rate, these two pillars of education are considered to be complementary and not to substitute each other.

To put an end to my reasoning, I would like to repeat once again that natural and humanitarian sciences should both serve equally in educating each person, and people should not divide on groups by this criterion.


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