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Some people think that company should provide employees with exercise time during the day (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s fast-moving world more more companies have a considerate responsibility for their employees’ health. So, some people think that companies should pay attention to physical activities of their staff, while others think that it is not necessary for them because it is waste of time and money as people cannot work in a right way.

In my opinion exercising in the workplace is unnecessary. To start with, it distracts from people’s work. Go into the gym takes a lot of time and people will not have an opportunity to do their work on schedule because after a gym people are really tired and do not want to do anything. Secondly, fitness subscription costs too much. Not every company can afford to buy it.

On the other hand, there are some people who are sure that it is necessary to have exercise time when you are at work as people need a rest.

First of all, if people work too much, they need time to interrupt their work and do some activity in order to refresh their mind, for example physical jerks and so on. Moreover, exercise has positive effect on mental conditions and happiness as people have an opportunity to relax and forget about their problems.

I can not agree with this point of view as they do not take into account the fact that people have lunch time when they can relax and refresh their mind. Besides, if the team spirit is friendly people will be happy without exercising.

To sum up, I would like to say that provide an exercise time at work is a waste of time because in an office people should work effectively and do nothing about physical exercises.


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