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Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your families (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Unit 2; Step 8; упр. 6; стр. 83.

Вариант ответа №1 (более сложный)

– What are they interested in?

– My family are interested in a lot of things. My mother has a strong interest in gardening: she can spend hours watching TV programmes about trees, bushes, flowers and other plants. My father likes history and reads many books about ancient countries, towns and traditions. My brother is interested in cars. He has about fifty expensive toy cars at home and never misses a chance to talk to a person who knows a lot about cars.

My sister is fond of fashion. She buys magazines about fashion and speaks with her friends about the newest clothes. I don't know much about what my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are interested in. I will try to find that out.

– What can they do well?

– My father can drive very well. He is also good at repairing different things and fishing. My mother is a wonderful cook, she always cooks tasty dishes for all of us. My brother and sister can help our parents about the house: they clean the floors, take out the rubbish and go to the shops. I do all that too.

– What do you like to do together?

– When we are together, there are always a lot of interesting things to do. At home we like to play darts and tennis, cook delicious dishes and watch TV. We also like to go to the country and lie in the sun, swim in the river and ride our fast bikes there.

Вариант ответа №2 (более простой)

– What are they interested in?

– My father is interested in cars and hunting, and my mother is interested in fashion and cooking. My elder brother is interested in music and musical instruments.

– What can they do well?

– My father can fix things and find information on the Internet very well. My mother can cook and grow flowers very well. My elder brother can sing and play the guitar very well.

– What do you like to do together?

– We like to have birthday parties, watch interesting films, go for walks and to the shops, take pictures and visit our relatives together.


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