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Many people dream of becoming wealthy, but money can bring many problems (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the 21st century an essential issue of becoming rich remains urgent for many people. Some people argue that wealth is the main aspect f their life, while others think that having a lot of money causes a myriad of problems.

In my opinion, too much money brings numerous of problems. There are several reasons why I think so. First of all, rich people often work really hard in order to achieve their main aim, to be wealthy. They forget about the things which money cannot buy such as health and family. That is why they do not spend the spare time with relatives, ignore their health and fall ill more often, their rite becomes unhappy, people stay alone. What is more, businessmen usually live in danger of being robbed, so they suffer from anxiety.

On the other hand, some people consider money to be a key to happiness.

They argue that having much money allows to buy expensive things, such as elite cars, electronic devices and fashionable clothes, therefore, they get satisfaction. People believe that wealthy person can not only

entertain himself but also contribute to other people's lives: there and

many philanthropists who take care of people in need.

However, I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above. I still believe that getting expensive items is not my life`s target. Moreover, you do not have to be rich to help people, all you need is your desire to support.

In conclusion, I am convinced that earning money as much as possible is not the key to happiness, because being wealthy causes various problems.


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