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Письмо другу 2 темы (favorite band+canceling studies due to weather conditions) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Letter #1:




Dear Adam,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to receive it. Sorry that I haven't been writing to you for so long as I have been quite busy lately.

In your letter you told me about your favorite band. I've listened to a few songs by Radiohead but I don't know much about them. As for my favorite music and a kind of activity, I like drawing and I really enjoy listening to rock music.

By the way, I'm looking forward to meeting your family. Do you have a lot of relatives? Have you got any siblings? Will your parents be busy this summer?

That's all for today. I have to go to my classes. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,


Letter #2:




Dear Martin,

Thank you for your letter.

I was glad to receive it. Sorry that I haven't been writing to you as I was quite busy lately.

In your letter you've asked me whether Moscow schools often close because of weather conditions. Moscow's climate is quite cold and every winter is expected to be pretty harsh. That's why studies here only get canceled when the temperature is extremely low (30 degrees below zero or even lower). It has only happened to me once when I was in the third grade and it was very cold, windy and snowy.

The current weather is exactly the opposite. This winter is mild and it is raining often.

By the way, what did your snowman look like? Did it take you long to build it? Hasn't it melted down yet?

That's all. I have to go to school now. Keep in touch.




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