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Violent computer games are highly popular with children but many parents would like to see them banned (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays teenagers like to play aggressive video games but their families are worried by this trend. On the other hand, there is also another opinion about this situation saying that watching fights between fictional characters is may even be a good idea. I would like to introduce two points of view on this question.

Younger generation admires fictional stories that include graphic descriptions of violence. Their elders are very concerned about it.

First of all, I am convinced that an ability to commit certain violent actions on the screen prevent people from doing it in the real life. For example, scientific research shows that people who play games regularly are tend to have less fights with other people.

What is more, such computer games should not be banned for one more reason.

Our experience shows that things that are forbidden attract teenagers even more than things that are not.

However, some people take opposite point of view and claim that school-aged children are keen on bloody computer games and terrified adults want to prohibit them.

Firstly, they say that playing for characters who commit crimes may change the players perception of what is good and bad, especially if it is an underage person.

Besides, another argument is that children may take main heroes of such games as role models, which may lead to some very bad consequences.

I can’t fully agree with that opinion because I think that there are better solutions for this problem than simply banning the cause of it.

Murderous games getting more and more popular among the youth, while everyone else consider them immoral. Therefore, my point is that we should make more organizations that will check these games, rate them and judge if they are suitable for an auditory of certain age, but not prohibiting them.


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