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Family is the most important thing in life пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People place a lot of price upon various things, parenthetically, money, freedom, friends, etc. however it's usually declared that family needs to get on prime of all things.

In my opinion, it's extremely true that family is that the most vital factor in life. 1st of all, it provides birth to you as a person's's|somebody's} being and a personality. it's your primary setting wherever your thoughts, habits, behaviour patterns are fashioned. If you're a booming person, you owe it to your mother and father. additionally, family ties are the strongest, even supposing connected individuals will live far-off from one another. you will have an outsized circle of social contacts consisting of friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquaintances, however in would like it's your mother or father, brothers or sisters United Nations agency race to assist you out.

But there are those who downplay the importance of family.

They show preference for different things, principally for cash. They believe that cash talks on our planet that's why they pay longer to amass wealth than to require care of your family.

Nevertheless I cannot support the opposing opinion as a result of irrespective of what quantity flush you're, you can not obtain a brand new mother or father. individuals expire and ne'er return, however cash may be a revolving stuff. these days you loose, tomorrow you win once more. Relatives are lost forever.

To sum up, i'd prefer to refresh memory regarding AN recent knowledge spoken language that blood is thicker than water. Blood suggests that your family ties, water is everything else.


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