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A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are two opinions about studying. Some group of people believes that people cannot study effectively without computers while another group of people is sure that study process can be effective without using computers and other gadgets.

In my opinion people live in a modern life what is means that around our life just technologies which can make people’s life easier, more comfortable and better. Also the same things I can say about education too. All documents, all student-books and other things are inside people’s gadgets, that’s really comfortable, because person should not take all things that he needs, he needs just take computer or tablet. Moreover on the Internet students can find all interesting them information, so they do not go to the library and read all books which can they take.

On the other hand good education does not depend of the computers or other gadgets which are around people.

Well, another group of people thinks that study can be without computers. They believe that person have a lot of different alternative variants which he can use studying at school, university or other educational institution. And result of the study does not depend of some gadgets, it depends of the person motivation to learn something new.

I do not agree with the opposite opinion because alternative variants of finding information can be harder and uncomfortable, so student will just waste his time. Motivation is important, but when person has more gadgets which can help him study better and more interesting, it can make student’s education more effective than it was without computers.

In conclusion I would like to say that if person wants have good results of his studying process he should use all things which he has including computers, tablets and so on. On the Internet it is easily find different information and and choose one that is more appropriate.


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