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The Internet has revolutionised the modern world пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

9 из 14
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Nowadays a lot of people have access to the Internet. World Web has changed our life. Some people think that the Internet has revolutionised the modern world. While others strongly disagree. Let me express m point to you. I personally think that a worldwide network has revolutionised the modern world. First of all, the Internet has made handicapped people's life easier. They can shopping online and work from their homes. Secondly, the World Wide Web lets people learn by themselves. There are a lot of sites and educational videos on the Internet.

However, some people think that a Worldwide network has not changed our life a lot. They claim that people had plenty of ways to communicate with others far from them before the Internet was invented.

Although the people could communicate by telephone and email, I cannot fully agree with it. The Internet allows people to see each other by the video chat and send important files much faster.

All in all, the Worl Wide Web has made our life much easier every day. I strongly believe that the Internet has revolutionised the modern world. It helps people to communicate and makes much easier life of people with health problems.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. - 3

К2 - организация. Первый абзац не выделен. - 2

К3 - лексика.

World Web(устоявшееся World Wide Web)

They can shopping online(do shopping/go shopping)

lets people learn by themselves(по смыслу study)

telephone and email(уместнее phone)

К4 - грамматика

Although the people(не нужно the)

has made our life much easier every day(Has made - every day - не может использоваться).

makes much easier life of people with health problems(неправильное строение предложения: makes life of people....much easier)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация.

m point(опечатка my)

the Worl Wide Web(опечатка World)

I personally think(построение через вводную конструкцию: Personally, I think...)

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