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Используя вопросы как план, расскажи всё, что сможешь, о поздней весне или своём любимом времени года (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 3-й класс; Unit 8; Step 4; упр. 4; стр. 70.

Вариант ответа №1

My favourite season is spring. The spring months are March, April and May. March and May have thirty-one days each, April has thirty days. I like spring because it makes me happy. It is a very beautiful season. In spring, nights become short and days become long. In late spring we can see the big yellow sun in the blue sky. The sun is hot and it becomes warm outside. The snow and ice melt. A lot of animals wake up after winter. Birds sing their pleasant songs. Trees become green and flowers become bright. In late spring I can play football, basketball, volleyball and other games with my friends. I can also go for long walks and enjoy good weather.

I always wait for late spring because in late spring school ends and summer holidays begin.

Вариант ответа №2

I like summer best of all. There are three summer months: June, July and August. June has four weeks and two more days, or thirty days. My birthday is in June. I like that month a lot because in June nights are very short and days are very long. July and August have more days than June. They have four weeks and three more days, or thirty-one days each. In July and August, the nights are also short but they start to become longer. The days are still long but they start to become shorter.

I like July because the weather in that month is sunny and hot. The bright sun shines in the blue sky and everybody is very happy.

In summer, trees are green. It is very pleasant to look at them. In late summer some trees become yellow. During all summer months we can see beautiful flowers. Flowers can be of different colours – white, blue, yellow, red and purple.

In summer we can see and hear a lot of birds. They fly around and sing their nice songs. I like their songs very much. I like to stand near the window of my house and listen to them.

I also like summer because in summer schoolchildren do not go to school. In summer we have a lot of free time and can play games, meet with our friends, go for walks and enjoy good weather.


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