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The cities' growth is harmful for the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world the problem of ecology and the influence of people on environment causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that we must stop to boost numbers of city’s developments for saving environment while others claim that growth of cities is good way to find out some new ways of saving environment.

In my opinion, the growth of cities is totally harmful for the environment. Firstly, in big cities problems of air pollution and smog are in common so nature suffers from it. Secondly, a lot of trees and plants are being cut for city’s project. At the same time it kills animals and contribute climate change. Finally, environmental pollution affects people’s activities.

For example, rainforest destruction depends on wood industry and people’s health.However, there are people who suppose that growth of cities is not harmful for the environment.

They believe that new technologies and projects can protect our planet from global warming and air pollution. Also they see that eco-projects in cities can minimize waste of products and water pollution.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with opposing opinion as it is impossible to save nature by growing cities more and more. The only way to help our planet is to reduce wasting environment’s resources.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that we should care more about what we do to our environmental and how it can affect future.


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