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The growth of cities is harmful for the environment. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

One issue that caused lots of controversy over the years is the growth of cities. Some people think that this process influence the environment harmfully, while others are convinced otherwise.

In my opinion, the growth of cities has destructive impact on the environment. Firstly, this process needs to expand the territory in the way of deforestation. It has unpleasant influence on the ecology because without trees we cannot breathe and live. Secondly, the growth of cities requires building the plants and factories, which also impact on the environment harmfully because they throw the hazardous substances to the air.

Finally, the growing of popularity leads to increasing the amount of rubbish and appearing the dumps, which pollute the environment.

However, there are people who consider that the growth of cities does not affect the environment because populated areas can be built on the treeless territory. Moreover, humanity try to save nature in the way of creating parks and natural zones in the cities.

I do not agree with this statement. When it comes to environment pollution, we should mention the fact that even the cleanest cities of our world have harmful influence on the nature. The growth of cities destroys cleanness of atmosphere and oceans. Furthermore, nature zones and parks only create the visibility of supporting the environment.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I believe that the growth of cities is harmful for the environment and we should appreciate the cleanness of our world as a real treasure.


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