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The Internet is the biggest evil of your time пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that the problem of the Internet is becoming more and more important. Some people believe that it is the worst thing of our time, while others claim that our life is impossible without it. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

The first thing to be considered is that the Internet is a new modern way to search any information, which is very useful for studying. Secondly, it is an easy way of communication with friends and relatives, who live far from you. What's more, you can work or learn a new profession, sell or buy things, paintings, music and photos through the Internet from home.

On the other hand, there are people who might not agree with it. Sometimes people spend too much time in social networks or online games, and it harms their health.

Moreover, there is a huge library of information that can be found with a single click, so people do not seek to educate themselves. There are also a lot of dangerous websites with malicious content or scammers.

I cannot agree with this opinion. It seems to me that a benefit or a harm of any thing depends on the method of using it. The Internet is extremely useful and it forms a very important part of our lives.

All the things considered, the Internet is not the biggest evil of our time, because it is not absolutely harmful. I believe that the bad side of the web is exaggerated, and if it is properly used it is not more dangerous than literature, because you choose the content for yourself by yourself.


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