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The Internet is the biggest evil of your time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Internet is the greatest invention of our time, now we cannot even imagine our life without it. However, some people think that this technology causes danger.

From my point of view, the Internet has many advantages. Firstly, it became a lot easier to communicate with each other. You can send a message to a friend overseas in just a few seconds and even see and talk with him through a video chat. Secondly, the Internet offers an enormous amount of information for self-education. You can find there everything you can imagine and even more: scientific articles, documentaries, books, etc. Thirdly, the worldwide network is a place not only for learning but also for entertainment. People can relax after a hard workday by watching movies and TV shows, having fun playing video games and listening to their favorite music.

However, some convinced that the Internet is a place for criminals.

They can steal money from your online accounts, leak your photos or infect the computer with viruses. Also, young generation spends a huge amount of time on social networks and get addicted to it.

I disagree with this opinion. To prevent fraud from happening you should just think carefully about what you are going to post online and do not enter questionable websites. As for the addiction, the problem is not on the Internet, but on the people who cannot spend their time on the media rationally.

In conclusion, I want to say that the Internet became one of the most important parts of our lives. As everything in our world, it has some dangers, but it is a big step in human evolution, which gives us many possibilities for improving our future.


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